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Apr 03, 2021
Prison School review
So I just finished Prison School, or I think I did because the ending was disappointing and out of place as it didn’t quite wrap things up but rather ended in a circular way. Is Prison School worth a read despite its ending? Yes and no, as the ending isn’t the only bad element.

This review contains minor spoilers.

Prison School makes it clear from the very first beginning that it’s dumb and absurd. It’s not exactly your run-of-the-mill comedy that relies on cheap one-liners, inside jokes and moronic situations where a character trips over nothing and ends up groping a female like in To-love Ru or any other ecchi comedies. It goes beyond that by being nonsensical as well as relying on misunderstandings, from guys giving weird relationship advices to people worshipping a plastic bottle. No, I am not joking.

Prison School revolves around 5 guys attending an all-girls school but ending up in a prison inside the school itself for breaking the rules, so they decide to break out. Unfortunately, the whole prison idea stops being the focal point of the series midway. The first two arcs are solid as they revolve around breaking out from the prison in a thrilling and fun way. Will the characters work together? If so, why and most importantly how? What will happen after they break out? Well, to answer some of those questions, the breakout didn’t matter one bit afterwards. The characters didn’t really achieve their real goals, or completely forgot about them. The next arc is about a cavalry competition in a sport festival, and is the worst sub plot in the entire manga for two main reasons:

- It drags out for no reason other than to sell more volumes

- The competition ends in a *drum roll* draw! and the reason why I’m spoiling the result is because it doesn’t matter in the long run! This whole filler arc drags itself over the mud unwillingly and in a sloppy manner and doesn’t resolve the real conflict between the characters.

The following arc is slightly better since it focuses more on character interactions and aims to tie some loose ends between their relationships. Except, it doesn’t manage to succeed. In the final arc, the author flushes the buildup and development of the characters down the drain and ends his story haphazardly by having the characters return to their original state. It’s a common way to end a story when you have no idea how to wrap it up. It’s the easiest and laziest ending one could think of, by having the story eat its own tail, and it’s probably one of the most disappointing closure to a 278 chapters manga. The author might as well not have written it in the first place unless his intentions were just to make you laugh without thinking too much of it.

And to be fair, Prison School still manages to be funny, mainly due to its characters acting in a dumb way and finding themselves in absurd situations. But every story needs some form of development, especially to its characters, and the manga fails to deliver despite succeeding in the first half.

I recommend Prison School for those who just want a good laugh or two and are willing to put up with the final two arcs out of curiosity. My advice is to skip the entire cavalry arc, and not expect too much from the ending.
Prison School
Prison School
Автор Hiramoto, Akira
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