Yokujou Climax review

Apr 05, 2021
To begin, I would like to say that Yokujou Climax had an extremely interesting basis for its plot-line; however, on top of the story feeling as though it progressed too quickly, it also felt as though there were too many elements being added to the plot. As I read the manga, it seemed to me like the plot was made to be unnecessarily complex. Complexity can, of course, add a lot of depth to a story if it is gone about correctly; however, Yokujou Climax got confusing at times when, if the plot had not taken extreme turns that seemed completely out of the blue, it could have made for an interesting, yet easy enough to comprehend, tale. In addition, another complaint I have with this particular manga is that the characters' emotions seemed out of reach and unnatural at most points. They did not remain very stable as the story progressed--their personalities and emotions being inconsistent--which made it difficult to become involved with the characters.

All of that being said, Yokujou Climax does offer beautiful art, great explicit scenes, and it keeps the reader guessing on what crazy scenarios will come about next! It was a decently enjoyable read despite its negative aspects.


Yokujou Climax
Yokujou Climax
Автор Ukyou, Ayane