Banana no Nana review

Apr 10, 2021
-Review edit due to cancellation.-

It was awesome. Could have picked up such dirty amounts of money it is almost an embarrassment. It could have been a hit.

Alas... it should have been one.

The premise involves freakin' bananas and a girl who can wield them without making it sexual. What the fuck more could you possibly ask for? It is definitely interesting with its strange premise. It is wonderfully cliched (and I mean positively), and I dare to say it is much like One Piece in quite a few ways, with not annoying but fine ecchi and many cute chicks. Tthere are strong themes of friendship, loyalty and courage, there is a big adventure ahead, and Nana is even gathering a crew who happens to have some sad past behind them.
It is positively addicting and so original it's hard to resist.

Characters are somewhat typical, and yet they manage to offer a fresh breath of conversation and developments that rely on logic rather than unnecessary drama.

Enjoyable adventuring!

Cuteness abound!

Weird ass abilities!

Oh but yeah then it got cancelled.

Fuck everything.


Banana no Nana
Banana no Nana
Автор Oniyazu, Kakashi