Kimetsu no Yaiba review

Mar 27, 2021
It has finally come to an end. The shortest ride for me so to speak. I completely enjoyed the ups and downs and the multitude of emotions I went though while I read KNY manga. It hurts that such a good Shōnen manga ended and I will deeply miss it. At the same time we will have to thank the author for not once dragging the story beyond reason.
KNY in all its chapters barely crossing 200th mark has one of the best art, narration and intrigue factor. The action scenes are done well for the most part. And the ending while being bittersweet is the most apt one.

The anime sent me flying right between the pages of the manga and it was so good. This is the one manga where I loved the villains more than I cared for the hero team. Like all Mc tanjiro is the epitome of kindness and an embodiment of perfection. Even villains admired him. His devotion to protecting his sister cannot be more disenchanting. He is everything on paper and as as ordinary as the next guy.
MCs are either alone or they come in threes. Innosuke can be summarised in not so many words; loud, angry, ticking time bomb with no personality at all. Zenitsu on the other hand has some psass. But his personality is still unforgivably irredeemable. His thunderous whining can be heard through the manga like a lightning strike. His simping for nezuko does not picture him in a better light either.

These don’t hamper me from loving KNY :P

The hashiras for some reason deeply impacted a lot of ppl to favourite them while I was beamed with a different set of emotions. Their back stories were meant to make me sympathise but I just wasn’t. To me the tragic back stories were essential to the plot and that’s where it ended. Rengoku was the one hashira I respected. The others namely giyu obenai,matsuri,gyomei,sanemi,muichirou and the guy with three wives were not too deep and I could feel their stories has a dash of forced meaning. I cant seem to put into words how they felt like NPCs. Shinobu was the other hashira I genuinely liked. The anime also had some influence as her voice was pretty soothing and nice.
I also liked sanemis brother. He was too adorable not to like.

Kanao and nezuko were decent for heroines. Neither of them is weak and both girls were amazing in fights. Nezuko scores points for cuteness overload.

Now for the villains. Anime Muzak was hot, cool and too awesome. Manga Muzan was a person I could not come to understand towards the end. So little of his back story was revealed. There was so little to sympathise with. He should have gone down with a bang but he pulled the short end of the stick when he was unfairly downplayed and sidelined. The climax was admittedly rushed and too many loose ends remained regarding muzan. No one could wallow in pity for The most evil of all villains in KNY because he did not get those sad flashbacks when even a minor demon was spared more than 15 minutes.
Akaza was universally loved at the end of the manga. Who can despise him?
Kokushibas story was so stretched out, I don’t remember anything at all.
Douma became my new favourite. I don’t think he is any better than muzan but for some twisted reason, his art style and evil disposition attracted me the most.i want to hear his voice in the anime if it airs.

I love short mangas. KNY with 207 chapters was always fast paced, never meandered with filler like content. The plot and fight scenes were great. I liked the narrative style and the arcs were thankfully brief. The story was always linear and the author ended it in a way that leaves us to our imagination. I liked the coherent plot and clean art. I am pretty indifferent about the ending. I imagined chapter 205 somewhat in a different light. 204 to me was more beautiful and meaningful than 205 that felt forced to assuage some audience.

Like I said in the beginning, the wonderful journey has finally come to a stop. I highly recommend kimetsu no Yaiba.


Kimetsu no Yaiba
Kimetsu no Yaiba
Автор Gotouge, Koyoharu