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One Piece
One Piece
One Piece
One Piece review
One Piece
Apr 16, 2021
One Piece review
One Piece is a beautiful, beautiful manga; however, many people overlook it because it stands in the "Big Three" manga, which are highly criticized.
I admit, I did NOT like One Piece at first, and it bored me to tears at points. That was about 4 years ago, when I still did not have a full grasp on the struggles life had to offer me. I resumed OP around 2 months ago, and I saw it in a very different light.
What I saw once as a silly pirate story became a ongoing, complex story about finding one's passion, friendship (or in this case, "Nakama"), adventure, and overall, growing up (this is especially evident in the later chapters).

Story (10/10):
You might not see it this way if you are still young, or rather, in the "I-don't-know-where-I-belong age group" (around 12-14). If young enough, this is an comical adventure story. If old enough, the plotline is amazing and the characters -- just right. I started OP when I was 12, but only after 3 years in high school did I notice the similarities in the challenges faced in this manga and real life. Whether it be a quest for an "impossible" dream or just pure acceptance, One Piece touched many edgy topics in a way that was both serious and comical.

Art (8/10):
The art is simple and unique when it comes to characters, but the background is GORGEOUS. So gorgeous that it draws away sometimes from the actual action. For example, if two characters were fighting in a room, the detailed curtain drapes might confuse you. But, overall, the feeling is not lost. The characters' features were hard to get used to at first, but then I realized Oda was a genius for making them this way: the features were perfect for both extremes of the emotional spectrum. Comical because they were flexible (especially Luffy, ha) and stoic because they were firm. One flaw I see, though, is the women are anatomically disproportionate, even for manga, being incredibly skinny with huge breasts. Huge.

Character (10/10):
Oh my goodness, this makes up the whole show. No joke. With each addition to Luffy's crew, you feel a certain connection, all because of two major points: bizarre characteristics and awesome background stories. My goodness, the BACKGROUND STORIES. I wish I could tell you more without spoiling, but I can't! They're just beautiful! However, characteristics you may see that no other character possess are Zoro's complete (COMPLETE, COMPLETE) lack of direction (COMPLETE), Chopper's insulting gratitude, and much much more.

Enjoyment (9/10):
One Piece keeps you on your toes because you don't know what's going to happen next. Of course, an adventure, but where? These places are not for ordinary people with ordinary actions. The rest of the enjoyment comes from many of the qualities above (character, especially).

Overall (9/10):
I love this manga so much. So much. It makes me feel better when I'm down, and laugh even through the saddest times. It makes me cry with the characters and yell at the pages sometimes. Just don't judge it by its first few chapters, because it WILL get better and mature along with you.
Shingeki no Kyojin
Corpse Party: Musume
Apr 10, 2021
When people think about holidays, the first things that usually comes to people minds are joyous, happy, exciting, fun-filled celebrations with friends and family. That may be true for most people, but not everyone in the world celebrate the holiday on that type of premise. There are many reasons that someone may have an unhappy holiday season, but there are very little reason why people will have a sad holiday season though out their life. In this one shot, Ken Akamatsu (The writer of the classic harem Love Hina) tries to shed light on how one can have a depressing holiday every year and how one tries to lift the depressing atmosphere that shrouds ones holiday.

The story revolves around a boy that was born a right around the holidays, specifically on December 24, and as a result he is name Santa. This name causes him hardship throughout his childhood because he is continuously teased for such a odd name. On top of that his parents where never around for him, so the anger that reside in his heart continuously grows. The fact that is parents were never around for him, holidays were never a celebration, but it was more of a depressing event. Just thinking about the fact that your alone on the holidays while everyone around you is having a jolly time will bring your spirit down. ( Imagine: You are in Time Square in NYC and everyone is happy and having a fantastic time while you are all alone. Depressing, Right?) The main body of the story revolves around how on girl from Santa Claus Academy that has a problem with magic is sent to cheer Santa up. The story develops from there and we see a developing relationship between the two. The author try to bring forth the idea of Hope, Happiness, Desires, Dreams and BELIEVING.

If you have every see anyone of Ken Akamatsu works, you can practically see how each character is going to look like before reading this one shot. The emotions are clearly portrayed and his art is clear but sometime the content can be overwhelming and cluttered. Although that may be true, it is necessary sometimes to get the full point across. His artwork in comparison to come other mangakas may not be brilliant, but it is awesome in it own way.

The two main character that develop in this one shot as pretty fantastic. You can easily grasp their personalities and discover how each one will respond in a situation. As much as a one shot can, this one shot develops the character well enough to display a change in both of the characters.

In the end with all the work together, this one shot is satisfactory. Since I am a Ken Akamatsu fan, I give this a 7 out of 10. ( May Be Bias)

Thanks for Reading!
Himitsu no Reptiles
Himitsu no Reptiles
Himitsu no Reptiles
Himitsu no Reptiles review
Himitsu no Reptiles
Apr 09, 2021
Himitsu no Reptiles review
This review mostly concerns the horrific portrayal of reptile care of Himitsu no Reptiles—something deeply important to the purpose of this manga.

For clarity's sake, I got my leopard gecko a week ago—I'm not an authority on reptiles. If you doubt anything I say, feel free to do your own research. However, before purchasing mine I had done dozens of hours of research and I can tell you this much: The mangaka of Himitsu no Reptiles doesn't give damn about proper reptile care or, at the very least, they are extremely uninformed. I don't know if it's just a matter of Japan's practices but, for a manga that's dedicated to the love of reptiles, some of the portrayals of reptiles care was horrifically uninformed and near abusive. The degree of foolishness from this manga rivals PetCo, and that is a terrifying thought.

What are some examples? Well, within just the first arc of the story, which focuses on a leopard gecko, there's three HUGE problems.

1) Using sand as a substrate for a leopard gecko will almost certainly kill it due to impaction. I have no idea why someone that doesn't know at least this much is writing a manga about reptiles. Please, if you get a leopard gecko, use reptile carpet, title, or (if you still want loose substrate) eco earth if you must.

2) Keeping it in a cage smaller than a shoe box is terrible. Adults need at least 20 gallon tanks and babies need 10. These are living creatures that will want to explore at least a little. Keeping it boxed up like this may fit the Japanese life style of "smaller is better" but it does not fit the life style of leopard gecko. Also, they need more than one single hide. They need a warm hide, cool hide, and moist hide.

3) Feeding it a reptile powder rather than live insects is just fucking abuse. Often, leopard geckos won't even eat insects until they see them move. Perhaps some will eat a powder (especially if raised on it) but many probably wouldn't. Besides, they need a variety of insects: crickets, mealworms, dubia roachs, etc. are required for a healthy and happy leopard gecko.

These are three critical things the manga gets wrong about leopard gecko care and that is important because the whole point of the manga is reptile care. The mangaka seems more inclined to show how easy it is to have reptiles rather than actually giving good information on how to properly take care of reptiles. If anyone actually applies what they learn from this manga, they will kill their animal out of sheer laziness. I wouldn't care so much if this weren't a manga that has actual ramifications on how people may end up treating their animals. Because it paints reptiles as super easy animals to take care of, a reader might impulse buy a gecko, fail at taking care of it, and ultimate kill it.

This manga blows. Beyond fucking annoying characters, it teaches readers how to lazily take care of reptiles in ways that will result in the animal's poor quality of life or death. I rarely feel this livid about a fictional story, and I'm the type of guy to yell about anything I dislike. This is an insult to people that actually cared enough to do their research and, even worse, a worrisome advertisement of reptile ownership for people that might fail in caring for their reptile.
Isekai Nonbiri Nouka
Eien no Jewel
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