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Frogman review
Apr 07, 2021
Frogman review
tl;dr: A manga that was a pretty random mess in terms of plot and characters but was reasonably amusing nevertheless. 

This manga was all over the place. In the beginning it seemed to be kind of focused around Michiru trying to learn to swim with a bit of a pretty generic love triangle in the background with some characters that may have had potential. As it went on however, it became a mess with lots of random tone shifts as well the plot starting in a bunch of different directions but never actually going anywhere with a bunch of hints at plot threads that never materialized and a bunch of plots that begin but mysteriously disappear from chapter to chapter, all of this ultimately leading to suddenly there being relationship development but in a really undefined and unclear way leading to a really random and completely lacking impact ending. And of course, being such a mess, it was pretty hard to care about the characters all that much either. Still, going in a bunch of random directions made it feel like it was moving pretty fast even if it never went anywhere so it felt reasonably interesting overall, and the humor was pretty solid all the way through so it was at least somewhat enjoyable throughout, even if it was trying to take itself too seriously. The art style was also pretty good, and at certain shots like covers and such it looked really good, but unfortunately the average level of quality throughout wasn't that great.
Trap Heroine
Boy Skirt
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