Kyou no Kira-kun

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Альтернативы: Synonyms: Today's Kira-kun
Japanese: きょうのキラ君
Автор: Mikimoto, Rin
Тип: Манга
Объемы: 9
Главы: 36
Положение дел: Finished
Публиковать: 2011-09-13 to 2014-08-11
Сериализация: Bessatsu Friend


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Альтернативы: Synonyms: Today's Kira-kun
Japanese: きょうのキラ君
Автор: Mikimoto, Rin
Тип: Манга
Объемы: 9
Главы: 36
Положение дел: Finished
Публиковать: 2011-09-13 to 2014-08-11
Сериализация: Bessatsu Friend
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Nino is a quiet outcast with only a bird for a friend. Kira is a popular boy with a big secret. Even though they live next to each other, they have never spoken. But when Nino learns Kira's secret, everything begins to change, and what starts as a hesitant friendship grows into something more... but how long can it last?
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Kyou no Kira-kun review
Apr 02, 2021
One word that could sum up Kyou no Kira-kun for me is... bittersweet.

Story: 8/10

I don't think the story is very common but it's not original either. I mean when you say very common shoujo, for me it's:

"Unpopular girl will fall in love with the most popular guy in school. Many things will happen like girl confessing to boy but will get rejected but in the end they will end up together... but another guy will appear."

Something like that. Well Kyou no Kira-kun still has the same theme of "unpopular girl" and "popular boy" but there's a catch. The boy is sick and has only a year left to live. I also said it's not that original since I think I've read something like that before.

But what makes this manga special to me are the words/quotes/converstaion that were being used. It's really very touching and will hit you very hard in your heart. It made me cry a lot. And it feels like you could really learn a lot from this in real life... that time is really precious!

Art: 9/10

I do find the art really cute and refreshing too. It also brings out the beauty of the story especially the scenes that made me cry. They were beautiful.

Characters: 9/10

I don't have anything to say. I love the girl and boy protagonists a lot. I really think they suit each other a lot. Another reason I came to love this manga! Especially the boy, Kira. He's really so precious.

Enjoyment/Overall: 9/10

Wow I'm glad I read this manga. Though at first I was torn between "I shouldn't have read it" and "I'm glad I read it" but in the end, I'm really glad I did! Even though when I try to think what will happen to them in the future and it will make me cry, I still look forward to it! I really want to know what will happen regardless if it's a happy or sad ending.

But another good thing about this manga is even though it is "tragedy," it is still very CUTE and SWEET. While it made me cry a lot, it also made me smile a lot too. It's such a very touching and cute manga! It's really worth reading it!
Kyou no Kira-kun review
Apr 02, 2021
A Mixed Bag.

Kira-Kun today is the story about an incredibly shy girl who always has a parrot on her shoulder and about a Boy who gets everyone's attention. Both share a secret which in turn sort of connects them. The FMC's secret is that the Parrot can talk and is actually somewhat mature. Whilst the Boy will die in 1 year. So now you have 2 people who share a secret and in turn both people changing each other due to this connection.

Now the FMC is the classic 0 friends, no social skills type heroine. Totally never been done before. Now as you'd expect she hides her face using her hair and when she does show her face (pretty early on) she is like the most beautiful person to date. I think the author was going for a contrast of ugly and beautiful. kinda like an ugly duckling story. But honestly its just down without real passion. Like i didn't enjoy the turning into beautiful swan story that much. Like it was done pretty poorly and too quickly. At the same time i was actually upset we couldn't see her face in the beginning I originally thought the author was going for a self insert by not giving her a face. So you know it happened, its over, im glad we are moving on.

Now this is gonna blow your mind. But the MMC is actually kind of an asshole. I know completely original. I think this is the first Shoujo series to ever pull the asshole boyfriend trope. He's also living right next to the FMC. Crazy i know. I do like the reasoning they gave for assholeness though. I mean if you had only 1 year to live you'll do whatever you want too. The MMC is also a bit of a crybaby. I was pretty shocked about this actually. Like he cries alot.... a little too much. Like im not gonna pretend i eat glass or spit or something in my free time but honestly him crying so much actually kinda pulled the series down. Like when he did cry to stuff that you would also want to cry it doesn't have the same effect because he cries all the damn time. This becomes more of an annoying trait than anything else tbh.

The 2 main issue that this series had was probably the friendship between the MMC and the generic bad guy who is upset that the MMC isn't an asshole anymore. I actually remember the generic bad guy's name Yabe. Its a problem because Yabe obsession with the MMC gets really odd. Its one thing to do it for comedic purposes but its another to make there friendship borderline Gay. Im not gonna pretend that Naruto and Saskue bromance is the best in all of manga but it got the job done and kishimoto who wrote it I felt did an excellent job making them feel like best friends. In here Yabe and the MMC relationship feels more like what a yaoi fanatic thinks male friendship works. The 2nd major issue was the illness that the MMC had. I did not care man. They tried to pull the sad shit card and it had no effect. Its really sad too because its one of the major focuses in the series as a whole. There was also love traingles and bad comedic timings. But overall they weren't that much of an issue. Some of them were pretty fucking hillarious though. Soy sauce made me say lol outloud.

What i liked about the series was the romance though, which as you'd expect is pretty important in a romance story. The romance didn't just get the job done. But it was actually much much better than i'd expected. Look at any of the girl and boy blushing for each other you can literally see the love written all over there faces. The author does such an excellent job of making the character be in love. This is of course partially due to the artstyle though. Which really brings out the happiness and love the characters have. Honestly i can talk about the blushing faces for hours. I will say i liked the Heroine's love face more but maybe its cuz im a guy so my opinion might be a bit more skewed on this one.

Another thing i liked was the talking parrot. That parrot is my spirit animal. Its quite hilarious how this series has 1000 human characters and 1 bird character the parrot ends up being the most relatable thing in the series. I liked it when the parrot was observing and his inner thoughts. Who was just like *don't you pussy out*. *just kiss him you dofus*. **FFS**. These thoughts were really the highlight of the series involving the parrot. Now i don't like how they revealed how he can talk. but you know i considered it a minor issue anyway.
I didn't like it when he was cockblocking though. That was also annoying.

The ending was decent though. It wasn't rushed or anything, i just didn't like how it all resolved. I did like the *ending ending* or the last chapter as it were. It got the job done but you'd still expect something more.

TLDR: Good Romance and chemistry between the main characters and parrot but honestly this doesn't really do anything. The ending shoud've been better, If you really have nothing else to read i guess you can check this out. 5/10
Kyou no Kira-kun review
Apr 02, 2021
So I first found out about this series from instagram. From there, I read the summary of the story and it honestly captured my attention. Before this, most of the series I read are only the type that makes your heart go "kya kya" or "doki doki" but with the premise of this story, I was honestly in it for the tears. When I read the first chapter, I remembered how tears quickly ran down from my eyes, and just with that chapter alone, I was already prepared to be hurt from this melodrama series.

Well, I will say this, Kyou no Kira-kun is probably one of my FAVORITE shoujo mangas ever.

First off, I think this story is definitely different from all the other stories I have read, because in this story you have the fear/thought that Kira might actually die. I think Mikimoto-sensei was able to wove the stories beautifully. While you have the other shoujo tropes like love triangles and the like, this was actually the first time in a long while that I did not get tired of it. I also like (despite how heartbreaking it was) that the story of Kira dying was woven wonderfully into this manga. For me it showed another layer from the story and that even if both are aware that the time they have with each other might be cut short, you can still see how much both treasure each other. I'd also like to add how I think the addition of Sensei (the parrot) was a cute idea. Normally, I dislike having people with pets and stuff but I thought Sensei was able to add a funny and sometimes serious matter into this story. Also I have to say, this series probably has one of my best confession scenes ever! If I have to critique something here, I would have to say that I felt like the last couple of chapters were a bit rushed and could definitely have been more fleshed out.

For the art, I thorougly enjoyed it as well. I think Mikimoto-sensei was able to draw everything properly. I honestly love how she drew the people and all the little details. I love the little chibis she draws of them everytime they are surprised or something. In fact, I sometimes find myself chuckling at the cutie chibis she does. Also, out of all the mangas I have read, I believe Mikimoto-sensei draws the most painful tears ever. I think a big reason on why I teared up on this series so much was because of how realistic and how painful she draws the tears!

Next, the characters are also a huge reason why I continued reading this. Honestly, I love the leads so so much. I think they'll probably go down as my favorite couple. This is the type of relationship I like to see folks. You can honestly see how both care for one another and you can honestly see how both support each other and how both have a positive influence into each other's life. For Kira, Ninon was the reason he decided he wanted to live, and was the reason he gave up on his lewd lifestyle. You can also see him open up more because of Ninon. For Ninon, Kira was the reason she became more outgoing and became more sociable and more brave. I love reading the journey both of them went through. And like I said above, this one had (one of) the best confessions ever. Aside from the 2 leads, I also like Sensei and the parents of the kids. I find it funny how even their parents have their own personalities, like Ninon's mom is a cosplayer and Kira's dad is a crossdresser. Aside from that I didn't really like Yabe or Rei much but I do love their friendship with each other. Yabe and Kira's friendship was also nicely shown throughout the story and made the readers understand why Yabe acts/acted that way.

Overall, as what I have said before, this is one of my favorite shoujo mangas ever. I think everything was done almost perfectly. Also sometimes when you read too much shoujo manga, it can't be helped that you can see the same things happen over and over, but I thought this was not the case here. I actually saw a lot of fresh things/scenes happen and I just really loved this series so much. Honestly, I don't think my words will ever do this series justice. So if you are looking for a something to read, just do yourself a favor and read Kyou no Kira-kun.
Kyou no Kira-kun review
Apr 02, 2021
Like a previous reviewer has said the premise of the story is pretty common. The male assumed love interest has some sort of disease and knows he's going to die. Where this differs from other plot lines alike I think is the tone of the manga. The tone unlike others of the same kind of theme is a lot more light hearted. Obviously death and disease being the main theme its still slightly depressing but in a more bittersweet way than a pessimistic way.

One of the nicest things about the manga was the way in which the main characters are characterized. The protagonist is a little more interesting than other protagonists in shoujo manga while she isn't one of the more typical crying and dependent protagonist she isn't one of the counter-typed, outlandish strong female leads either. She is definitely an interesting character. The same can be said for the main male lead he is also interesting, I wouldn't want to spoil anything about his character but he can come across as a typical 'bad boy' type of character to begin with but he is anything but. Let's say he is more of the typical dependent female protagonist then the main character is.

Though there is an over arching plot and some longer plot lines it is mainly written in a kind of episodic way, each chapter having a different plot line within the larger over arching plot. In some ways its better this way and other ways it not. If you like the kind of episodic way mangas like Usotsuki no Lily is written you may enjoy this one for the same styling.

Based on the fact the manga has yet to be translated completely into English is still ongoing I don't really have a good idea of the entire story but I am liking where it is going. There are a few complexities to the plot that could be explored further that I am looking forward too however there are already 6 volumes of the manga and I don't think given the number of volumes that the plot and story will continue to consistently well written.

In general the art style is quite nice. The characters don't seem to have much variety between being bishounens and bishoujos but despite this its generally quite pretty(?) to look at. Not really fond of how the adults are drawn they all seem to look no older than their mid-30's, where they should look a lot older especially in comparison to the main characters. eg. The protagonists mother looks more like her sister. The art is above average regardless and in collaboration with the well written story and good characters I would say overall, this a good if not very good manga.

3 chapters on update:

Some extra characters have been introduced to develop the plot albeit in a quite cliche way, still enjoying it regardless.

There was a really endearing very short one-shot extra (chapter 9.5) would seriously recommend you don't skip it, made me laugh. Wouldn't have minded a series about them, given that the protagonist was changed a bit. (She was kind of if not very annoying)