Hanzai Koushounin review

Apr 14, 2021
Do you like documentaries?!

Do you love them?!

Do you love reading them?!

Well, I don't.

I guess they are okay but no way in hell would I care to read a manga, documentary-style.
And (un)fortunately for me, this one is in that style. Let me tell you what's less exciting than this manga...

Being in an airplane for eight hours and finding that all you could watch is documentaries.

It was a major suspense-pooper.

I guess you could say there was character development and I actually felt sorry for the hi-jackers; well, 2/3 of them and if you force yourself to read this manga, you'd know the pansy moronic hi-jacker that got on my nerves.
The main character really got on my nerves as well, and all his chummy helper-friends.

The art was ridiculous, it was just plain ugly. It looked more like caricatures more than anything.

Definitely a no-go.
So yes, go read something else.


Hanzai Koushounin
Hanzai Koushounin
Автор Kii, Takashi