JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 7: Steel Ball Run review

Apr 16, 2021
JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken part 7: Steel Ball Run, as the name suggests, is the 7° installment in the jojo's bizarre adventure series. The story is set in the U.S at the 1890's and it follows our protagonist Johnny Joestar, a 19 year old former horse-racing prodigy turned paraplegic, who now seeks to understand the mysterious power of the "spin", which made Johnny's legs move enough to allow him to stand for a little while. Now Johnny must gain the trust of the man who used that power, Gyro Zeppeli, and for that he must enter the Steel Ball Run Race, a mad-dash across America for a grand prize of 50 million dollars.
The duo later finds that money isn't the only thing in play here, as they discover a large scheme including some「BIZARRE」stuff in there, such as the body parts of no other then Jesus Christ scattered across the land, and when they come in contact with humans they grant them strange abilities that can only be described as manifastations of one's soul and will to fight.
Now Johnny and Gyro must try to win the race and at the same time stop the one that wants to unite all the body parts, the President of the United States of America, Funny Valentine.
This manga is probably one of the best things i've ever read in my whole life, i love the characters and the dialogue between them so much. The art is amazing as expected of Sensei Hirohiko Araki. The story is so good and exciting that you can't turn your eyes away or you might miss something.
The powers of the characters and the way they are used in fights or in other stuff is super creative as well.
Overall my enjoyment of this manga was gigantic and i recoment to anyone and everyone.


JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 7: Steel Ball Run
JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 7: Steel Ball Run
Автор Araki, Hirohiko