JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 8: JoJolion review

Apr 01, 2021
JoJolion has easily become my favourite part in all of JoJo, I think Araki did an amazing job with JoJolion and I can't wait to see how the story will conclude.
I've scored a 10 for everything but the story all the tens are very much deserving in my opinion as the characters in part 8 are phenomenal, the art is probably Araki's best art yet in JoJo and I enjoyed JoJolion more than I have any other manga. Now the story being a 9 is really just my opinion I think the story is amazing and so interesting but at times to keep this spoiler free all I'll say is at times it can be a bit confusing and pointless or repetitive but that's just my opinion I still greatly enjoy JoJolion's story over any other part, Thank you Araki for this amazing manga and I hope to see more of JoJolion in the coming months.


JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 8: JoJolion
JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 8: JoJolion
Автор Araki, Hirohiko