JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 8: JoJolion review

Apr 01, 2021
Reaaaallly cool until the first "mystery" is solved. Afterwards the following "mysteries" feel uninteresting, inconsequential and it almost feels like Araki is stalling for time somehow.

Seriously though the characters are flat, Araki should have used initial momentum, and a few cool stand battles to finish with a bang. The first stand battles where kinda weird and cool, which is what we expect, the introduction to the "main" cast was awkward and standbattle-prone which was very cool. Some iconics and very pretty panels, including one in a bathroom that I used as a PC wallpaper for a while.

He should have ended the arc 20 chapters after the "reveal", so that the intensity would be kept and he could move on to the next, very much expected third (and last) arc of this universe reset,

TO A NEW UNIVERSE WHERE WE USE "THE FART" a mystic force created by mongolian throat singers using powedered penguin beaks in milkshake to give people stands. Or something.

It feels like he's stretching this arc forever to cuck us from the afterlife.


JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 8: JoJolion
JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 8: JoJolion
Автор Araki, Hirohiko