Magatsu Wanashi no Yuushagari review

Apr 12, 2021
I went into this manga with decent expectations. The summary that I had seen before reading included a bad ass main character who outsmarted his enemies through the use of dungeon death traps. The two leads had amazing designs, and the premise of a trap maker working for a demon princess absolutely captured my attention, yet, this manga managed to shatter my expectations in the worst possible way within eight chapters. Over time, I realized over and over that this manga wants to continuously throw in terrifying r*pe scenes. Explicit, bloody, horrible r*pe scenes. And it doesn't stop. There are about three or four of these scenes in the eight chapters that I read. That is way too many rape scenes, and they serve no purpose other than what I'd describe as shock value, some weird fetish, or a lazy way to cause conflict. I'm not against the use of sexual assault in stories. These kinds of acts are real and people deal with the trauma of it every day. But, the way that these scenes are presented and the purpose they serve is hollow and disturbing. It's horrendous r*pe scene after r*pe scene. I thought the characters and plot may pull through, but the more I read, the more disgusted I got. This manga is a major disappointment and an insult. Don't read it. It is trash.


Magatsu Wanashi no Yuushagari
Magatsu Wanashi no Yuushagari
Автор Wadapen.