CHOU NO ITO review

Apr 05, 2021
It's a oneshot, so its saving grace is it's a fast read. The premise and character designs are very cute. It's about a spider and a butterfly who fall in love. However, where this short story suffers is that even for a story where the characters fall instantly in love, it feels even more rushed than that. It's hard to explain other than it feels like a children's tale, but I've seen manga with that kind of storybook vibe done much better (Blind Prince and Liar Princess is a great example).

It comes across more like a quick synopsis that was drawn out with several things missing in between to give it life.

You'd probably spend more time reading this than the oneshot.

If you need more convincing, I've seen better stories with the "instantly in love" trope. If the author wanted to use this trope instead of maybe a montage to show some passing of time as they wordlessly get to know each other, then perhaps it would've been better to have gotten into their heads. Also, the best way I've ever seen short stories tackle getting invested in romances is to give the reader a reason to infer the characters "need" eachother to complete themselves. For instance, maybe if we'd seen the spider treated awful we'd guess that's why he spared her as a caterpillar when she showed kindness. But there's plenty of ways to do this. What we got was shallow, but ultimately harmless.

TLDR; Is it bad? No, but it's forgettable. Best for the artwork since the story is dull.


Автор Harumi Hitsuji
Художник Harumi Hitsuji