Ibitsu review

Apr 05, 2021
While I'm not exactly a big horror fan, when it does come down to experiencing one, I prefer more psychological horror or the creepy kind. More the spookiness and less the "hey guys, look, severed heads!" kind so getting into manga, Ibitsu is technically my first "horror" manga and while it had promise, the story is ultimately what weighed it down.

Story: General premise is a guy throwing out the trash runs into a lolita-like girl who asks him a question. Guy chalks it up to weirdness and continues on and the story takes it from there. Problem is is that if you have even the slightest knowledge of horror stories, you know where it's going. While it was an interesting read and the story just flows, it was also for me insanely predictable.

Art: There's kind of a creepy and evocative approach to the art where the freaky nature these types of series get into is a bit tamer with things hidden in shadow or silhouette and the image of the girl does have its twisted moments so I think this is where the book shines.

Overall: Ibitsu is a fairly quick read and while it does have its pluses such as the art and pacing, a story with more unexpected turns or characters that don't feel like story vessels would've made it a more satisfying read.


Автор Okada, Kazuto