Shingeki no Kyojin review

Apr 16, 2021
Eren and Mikasa live in the Shiganshina district of a huge walled area where what is left of mankind live. What happened to the rest of humanity? Giants have come and started eating them for fun (I know, right? They must have pretty bad indigestion). This is a time and place where luckily (or maybe unluckily for them) there aren’t any of those distastefully destructive nuclear bombs so it’s pretty hard to get rid of the giants.
Eren has always wished to go see beyond the walls that cage him and had since then aspired to become a part of the Scouting Legion, who go outside the walled habitat while killing titans (aka. giants). Regrettably, the Scouting Legion also has an eyebrow-raising mortality rate and his mama wasn’t all too happy to realise her son wants to throw his life away in the Legion. However… His dad didn’t make too much of a big deal out of it, so…

Audience: Hey! What happened?

Now, I'll be honest with you. I'm not that of a great big fan of the fantasy genre, so, having said that, considering that this IS a work of fantasy: it must be awesome and it sure is.

I mean, once you get used to huge-ass giants trying to eat people and that mankind has almost gone extinct (yeah, I know, you have to get used to a LOT).
THEN! You will start to enjoy this series, sure, I ain’t crazy about the fact that the giants look like anatomy figures however, the characters and the art make up for that.

So, let’s pick on the characters, starting with the main character, Eren. Eren has this thirst to see past the walls of ‘safety’ (aka. the containment area where people live for their own SAFETY [you might have guessed that I’m not a big fan of ‘safety’ walls]), the only means for him to do that is to join the Scouting Legion which is literally, the front lines. This just goes to show that he's either EXTREMELY curious about what’s behind the walls and is brave beyond rational thinking or he’s just plain crazy.

From {reading} experience, I can tell you that he isn’t the latter.

Audience: AWWWW! We wanted some crazy-people action!

Well, you’re not getting it from here.

Not only that, but Eren’s also shown interest in being part of the Scouting Legion because…

Did you REALLY think I’ll tell you all the dirty details? Pfffffffft.

But basically, the characters are really interesting. Each has their own solid personality, that are pretty realistic to be honest if you remember the setting of the story. You see complex types of thinking; which means that the characters aren’t stereotypical (HUZZAH!).
The illustrations further add to the plot and characters.

The illustrations were a lovely, refreshing breath of non-sparkly side-effects. It wasn’t that very detailed but the expert use of shading is beyond me. I didn’t think shading could make such a difference until I read this Manga, it gave it that extra 'ummph' that breathed life into the characters. Startlingly, it was also proportionate and even though it wasn’t THAT detailed, it was detailed, there's no denying.

Overall, I really enjoyed reading this novel, maybe for the simple truth of character growth. We started this story when the characters were kids until they grew up to be a set of fine lads and gals. It is a story technique that is unfortunately lost upon the mainstream goop with its lack of memorable characters and their flimsy personalities not excluding the overly done side effects; by the way, if you’re confused, I am talking about mainstream stories not the CrAzY good Manga that is being reviewed.

Audience: Yeaaaaah… We knew that ALL along! Right, guys? Guys..?

*Cricket noises*

Back to the point, I want to point out that the author is pretty daring to put their fictitious world on paper, they must be quite patient to use the child-to-adult plot technique and may have an ingenious quality because of the fact that when all is said and done, the Manga is STILL good.

Aside from its’ sly backstabbing on religion and its’ slight promotion of atheism, it is Manga you can't put down. I’d recommend it for its’ spunk and most importantly for its’ remarkable characters.

Some of which kick MAJOR hard-core neck!
(Audience: Whaaaat?
You read that right, figure it out by reading the Manga)


Shingeki no Kyojin
Shingeki no Kyojin
Автор Isayama, Hajime