Taboo Tattoo review

Apr 08, 2021
In the beginning, the story seems pretty cool. Essentially a kid get mysterious powers from a stranger as a thank you. A pretty cool hero origin. But once the story picks up, and you meet more characters, the story begins to get muddied by an over-the top amount of characters you have to remember, which gets difficult when characters change their appearance or "side" or reveal themselves as a double agent.... But the "powers" are cool none the less. The idea was cool, but it just got too confusing and complicated in terms of the story, so I dropped it. But if you can keep a flow chart of characters in your mind, all the power to you lol. Also the fact the main "bad guy" which is the princess is a pervert makes is so dumb. Anyways, that's about it lol.


Taboo Tattoo
Taboo Tattoo
Автор Shinjirou