Vanitas no Carte 's review

Mar 27, 2021
Sorry for bad English, I used google translator to write this.

Vanitas no Carte is a manga that from the beginning is very interesting. At the beginning we are already thrown into a confused situation without much explanation and even then in a moment you do not really feel lost, otherwise this whole beginning presents a plot that appears to be very complex, something that is confirmed a little later, Where are thrown various concepts and details that show how well built this world appears to be. Other than that we have, of course, a very mysterious tone that the author (Jun Mochizuki) knows how to do as nobody, but one can not have a real notion of the complexity of the world so early (in the first 14 chapters), even if it demonstrates an absurd potential (Note 9 for the history).
Apart from the plot we still have the beautiful art typical of Jun Mochizuki that has evolved a lot since Pandora Hearts and that already started incredible in Vanitas (Note 10 for the art).
Characters, this is also a very strong point that the author demonstrated in Pandora Hearts and Vanitas in Carte are apparently going to be as good as in these 14 chapters that I could read they have already shown enough charisma and a reasonable development of some of them and also showing that Some keep enough secrets (Note 10 for the characters).
The pleasure that this manga gives is similar to that seen in Pandora Hearts, even if it is talking about obscure themes in some way it maintains a light and pleasant mood and at the same time quite striking and addictive, although it is too soon to affirm That's for sure, because the mood of the play may change at some point in the story, even though I find it unlikely (Note 9 for the Enjoyment).


Vanitas no Carte
Vanitas no Carte
Автор Mochizuki, Jun