Watari-kun no xx ga Houkai Sunzen review

Apr 05, 2021
(So, coincidentially enough, chapter 39 came out as i was planning to write this, so there's gonna be spoilers; a bit. Another thing, this is completely opinionated and you shouldn't take me seriously, though that should go without saying.)

''Watari- kun no xx ga houkai sunzen'' was one of the manga series that tipped that really thin scale between ''Do i like anime or manga more,'' making me a complete manga lover. I strong a segnificantly strong biased for this one, but i'll try not to let it blind my critique.

To be fair, i can easily understand why people don't like Houkai Sunzen, it can give an incrediblt bad first impression, depending on how you approach it. The way i did it was with the mindset of,''It's romance, even if it's cliche or ridicilous i'll love it,'' which obviously is not a good way to look at anything, but i've broadened my horizons since then.

The story is unsurprisingly simple. It's telling the story of Watari Nao, the guy who i can't decide if he's just that much of an innocent person or is just the biggest wuss in manga, or both! He has an incredibly strong connection with his sister, Suzu, and vice versa, with Suzu having an incredibly powerful borther complex. To Nao's dismay, the one person he relentlessly can't forgive forced herself back into his life after 6 whole years of peace, stalking him consitently. That person being, ''The Field Destroyer,'' Satsuki Tachibana, also known as the best girl of this manga, please @ me! We're told that she completely demolished their vegetable field 6 years back, causing Nao to...hate her. I'll be honest, yeah, that's dumb. I mean, a field is just...a field, grow up, dude. WIth her disturbing his peaceful life(including his not-so-peaceful crush on his classmate, Ishihara), Nao has to deal with the three women of his life at the same time, one of them not being in a romantic sense, and also ignoring a few other ones. Yeah, Nao's backstory is ridicilously dumb, and this is what i think, but a good cliched childhood is better than an idiotic original one, so i'll give the plot a 5/10, but i have to mention how each chapter feels like it takes hours to watch, mostly on the in-between chapters that take place between conflicts or dramatic scenes, but they're fine.

The art is not extraordinary; it's quite simple, cute sometimes, kinda charming and it works well enough when it has to. It's quite obvious Narumi Naru wasn't trying to draw the most beautiful thing ever, and he didn't; he drew a perfectly good-looking manga with great expressiveness and really nice locals and the character designs are quite, let's face it, sexy and attractive, especially my good ol' mate Glasses-kun! I'll throw it a 7/10.

Here we get into the ~~Characters~~. They're...ehh, good? Acceptable? Decent? I mean, i adore them, but i'm looking at this differently. For starters, Nao is as easy to understand as getting homework on the level of 2nd grade when you're 15; he absolutely wants to protecc his sister(and she's clearly the queen of the castle), he likes Ishihara, and he's anazingly pure, though credit where credit is due, he slowly grows more perveted as the story continues due to the circumstances he ends up in, with Satsuki and co., which i actually like about him.

Satsuki, WHO IS THE BEST BY THE WAY, is quite...passive towards everything, except Nao himself, shunning most things with a blank expression or a smile at most. She's got this mindset, ''No matter how much i love Nao and whisper his name while laying in bed, we'll always be childhood friends,'' which...sure, whatever, but i feel she's incredibly dull at the start of the series and gradually gets better, maybe a little before and after chapter 20, though i love her to death. She also gives amazing nicknames, like ''Glasses-kun'' and ''F Cup- chan''.

So, let's mention Ishihara, the one that doesn't realise her selfishness, thotiness(not a work), and straight-up how infatuated she is with Nao. I mean, this *insert insult here* tried to rush Nao into sexual intercourse TWICE, and the guy dismissed it the first time and was so overcome with stress the second time, he almost did it. I don't like her. They also tried some yandere shit with here that glitters in her character here and there, but it's underutilized and would've quite nice to see more of. Fully honest, her confession and persistence made me angry beyond words.

Obviously, i'm not covering the other side-character, like the Kouhai, Aunt, Glasses-Kun, etc because they're underused and i would've loved it if they didn't add them to the chapter just for the sake of plot; i want to see MORE of them, so try to use them more. I'm giving them a 4/10

Wow, in the process of reading this, i've realised my affection for the series is mostly my impulsive love for anything romantic, but i'll give it a 7/10 in enjoyment because in the end, all that matters is that you like what you're reading, be it ''Boku no Pico'' or ''KissxSis''. As long as you like it, eat it like your life depends on it.

Overall, sure, have a 7/10. I'd say it's a really devicive series and the enjoyment wavers depending on the mood you're in. I enjoyed Nao's emotional breakdow and depression because of the events that take place in the series, and the girls are(unfortunately, Ishihara included) good characters that i like watching for the sake of fun. So, give the first chapter a read and maybe you'll like it? Thanks for reading this!



Watari-kun no xx ga Houkai Sunzen
Watari-kun no xx ga Houkai Sunzen
Автор Narumi, Naru