Watashi ga Motete Dousunda review

Apr 03, 2021
I think this manga balanced romance, and drama really well. Characters were generally well developed, with a light touch. The cast mostly focuses on our protagonist Serinuma Kae, and her suitors. Each of them had interesting backstories, hobbies, and approaches to romance.

It read like a standard shoujo romance, and asked why characters love, or appreciate each other. Is it appearance, or something else? This manga takes the time to explore it. The use of an otaku leading character was also useful, as the author made use of her hobbies and Kae's obsession with her favourite character to explore the dynamics between fiction, and reality.

Art was good, and it was an overall fun read. It was 60 full-length shoujo manga chapters, but flew by very quickly. The story arcs were well paced and minor characters stayed as minor characters, being developed without taking the spotlight from the main cast.


Watashi ga Motete Dousunda
Watashi ga Motete Dousunda
Автор Junko