Beastars review

Mar 31, 2021
I actually really like this manga. It brings me no enjoyment to give it this low of a score. There are panels that look great, characters that I love, and a world with a lot of potential. Unfortunately around chapter 100-150, the quality of this manga's writing has nose dived to an absolutely abysmal degree. After reading the latest chapters I will never read this again and it kinda sucks because there was a time that I was really invested in this story, but I just can't be after this last arch. When characters are committing suicide just because they love someone so much and not for any actual reason, your story is out of touch and illogical. So many plot lines just lead to absolutely nothing, so many confrontations aren't actually important. Nothing seems to have any weight or result in any consequences. The story never really did have any big consequences, but it felt like the protagonist was constantly developing and growing enough to keep you engaged. Now it feels like nothing is really happening. Like events can't really have any consequences as if they did the author might not be able to pump out another hundred chapters. Beastars was a story with a very strong foundation and clear development for its characters, but I don't think it ever had a planned ending and its suffering for it now. This is no longer a good story with compelling characters. This is a trash story with a handful of good characters and I'm sad about it. Read the first hundred or so chapters and then accept that nothing ever resolves and stop reading.


Автор Itagaki, Paru