Billy Bat review

Mar 31, 2021
Don't be deceived by the title that seems childlike; it seems so at first glance but when you take the initiative to learn it you shall realize how the entire melody of the comic is paced by the title itself.
The story seems to be a simple mystery initially, but as you move on you realize that it is much more than that.The story starts from one point and then diverges through several roots and later the network of these roots of story lines converge once again to convey the theme. The narrative is rather adventitous.
The anti-climatic ending itself justifies the greatness of the comic.
Several anecdotes are potrayed here, from first human landing on moon to the Kennedy assassination and so on, thereby giving it a historical fiction attribute. It was a great experience to learn about the japanese history and what helped the country to ascent the level to as it is.
We are introduced to myriad of characters gradually, seeming to become a mishap but after thorough reading, all of the character makes sense.
The human struggle to rise against the religious bias and racial prejudice, the change in social behaviour in a particulae generation with progress of time and the overall effect of the wars on civilians are the recurring synopsis.
The art is fabulous, the layout is great and the dialogue is highly aprreciable. Urusuwa's genius is coveyed through every aspect of the comic.
Highly recommended to those who enjoy slow paced innovative thrillers!


Billy Bat
Billy Bat
Автор Urasawa, Naoki