One Piece review

Apr 16, 2021
I think we’re all familiar with what a fantastic adventure epic that One Piece is. Oda has created a world that is so brilliantly imaginative and exciting that I can almost confidently say that no other mangaka will come close to matching or surpassing what he has done. One Piece will make you laugh, cry, smile along with all the characters; it will make you feel like living in their world. I won’t review the plot or the battles and such, since that has already been comprehensively well-done by other reviewers, but I just wanted to share one aspect of One Piece that will always stay very close to my heart.

No other manga has given me as much joy as One Piece. During the time I read it, I was very happy. This manga is special because it reminds us of some very important things in life. It reminds us to follow your dreams no matter how hard it seems and what other people say, to stand up for what you believe in and most of all; it reminds us of the power of friendship and human kindness. I think these are all things we tend to give up on and stop believing in as we get older.

One of the messages that had a huge impact on me was that ‘No-one is born into this world to be alone’. No matter how lonely you feel, you have to hold on to life and hang in there for people who will love and accept you. You might not meet them now, but you will eventually. I’ve never had many friends, and only formed a few close relationships with people. I’ve never found anyone whom I can call a true friend. For people like me, this message is very powerful and can lend a lot of strength. I think it is wonderful that a manga can convey these kinds of pure, hopeful feelings.

And that is one of the amazing things, perhaps even the most amazing thing, about One Piece. It gives you a sense of real, genuine joy as you read it. It really touches your heart. That is why it has managed to captivate thousands, millions of readers around the world, and why it will continue to be one of my most favourite mangas ever.


One Piece
One Piece
Автор Oda, Eiichiro