Prison School review

Apr 03, 2021
So apparently this manga is not rated 10 so I'm going to tell you why it is a 10/10 in my book.

This manga is absolutely stunning. I first watched the anime (which I also highly recommend), and then decided to read the manga about a month or 2 later, and I have to say, its probably one of the best decisions ever. Also, a disclaimer. I haven't read much manga, and this is also my first review so it might be a bit... inexperienced.

I think it's imperative to understand that this manga is written to serve a certain purpose, and taking it out of that context detracts from it's overall enjoyment. It's ecchi. It's comedy. And it's over-the-top about it. But other than that it's... not much else. If your looking for some deep "moral of the story" type stuff be disappointed. If your looking for some life-fulfilling stuff look elsewhere. This manga (in my opinion) was made purely to make you laugh while also delivering some of the "good stuff" (as in nudity, boobs, butt, and near-sex encounters), accompanied by a decent storyline to hold it all together. Just barely together. Without further ado...

Like I said, take it in context of what kind of purpose it serves and then yes it deserves a 10. Yes, there are plot holes, there are parts where the author cheats in the sense that it shows something that the reader could never have known, and yes there are parts that are absolutely impossible and outrageous, but for a manga like this it should be accepted, be the norm. With that said this story is amazingly funny. Just about every chapter has something funny about it and almost every chapter had me laughing my butt off. The situations that arise are outlandish and so funny, but fresh and new each time. You KNOW something crazy is going to happen, but you never know WHEN or WHAT it is, and that provides an aspect of suspense, but in a lighthearted manner. However, some parts of the story do get extremely drawn out, like a college student trying to reach a word count on an essay drawn out. I actually got frustrated once by how much time was spent on one scene. So 9/10 if you want a sensible story, 10/10 if you just want to be entertained.

10/10. the art is beautiful. the women are beautiful. the men are damn good looking too. Eye candy for everyone. Characters actually match their personalities as well. Quality is sharp. Regardless of the story it depicts, the art solely as images in an art gallery are amazingly well drawn, and an art gallery is where a good portion of the art belongs. I can't recall a chapter, a page, or even a panel where I thought, "oh, that was half-assed".
Also to note since it might bother potential readers, to me there is no such thing as too much fanservice, and if there is I didn't see it with this manga. Fanservice is there and it is over the top but not excessive, and it serves a purpose in the anime, and it breaks up the monotony of the plot quite well. The fanservice isn't blantantly chucked in your face every second it can get, but it seems almost natural for the flow of the plot. If you can't deal with a lot of fanservice, think fanservice is for the weak, or just overall dislike fanservice, stop reading and considering this manga, since the fanservice is one of the integral pieces to this manga's success, as well as plot movement.

The characters are for the most part just ordinary high school(?) students. No magic trickery, or alien appearances, or mythological gimmickry here. In fact they seem so ordinary that they are actually realistic. Character development is minimal, but expected. You have one boy that betrays the group, but later returns. You have a couple of guys becoming likable men to the opposite sex, but that's about it for development. The boy's stick through everything because of the promise of boobies and butts. The five of them do change, but individually their motives, their methods, and their mindsets don't. Or doesn't by much.
But, like I touched upon in the art, the character depictions alone warrant at least a 7/10 for them. The drawings just match the characters so well. Kiyoshi being the bashful leader has long bangs hiding his face. Shingo with his blonde hair swept back showing a degree of confidence. Joe-kun's mysteriousness matched with his hooded face. Andre... well Andre's face (or should I say fatness) is just comic relief. Then theres the girls at the school. here's where the character development becomes a bit...blurred because with the exception of Hana-san and Mari, the rest of the girls just about stay the same. One of them actually regresses instead of develops. However, this lack of brain-racking, lack of development further adds to the realism of the characters despite the unrealistic situations they are put in.
In terms of decision-making they're just a bunch of dumb high school boys who want to have fun. They think for the short term, and on top of that they think with their "head" instead of their actual heads. If you can handle that kind of character (and the subsequent fan-service), you will love this manga.
In terms of "can you enjoy the character's dispositions", Yes you can and yes they are very enjoyable. Each boys' and girls' diverse personalities make this manga so much more readable and you never get tired of the antics that result because of their personalities. And don't even get me started on the Principal. He is something else.

If you can't tell yet, I enjoyed this manga A LOT. Of course there will be different opinions, but I felt that this manga was totally worth my time. Sit back, enjoy the funny moments, don't think too hard about how the characters got to where they are and you'll enjoy this manga MUCH more than if you analyze their every move. Also Boobs and Butts and Near-sex. That always drives up the enjoyment for hormonal teenagers/young adults who like the female sex (including myself). Broken up, I'd say 2 for art +3 for characters +4 for story +1 for nudity equals 10 for enjoyment.

A masterpiece if you don't want to deal with details. Art is amazing, the story is infinitely hilarious, characters are beautiful (in looks, personality, and development), and enjoyment factor is definitely there. Don't overthink this manga too much, sometimes life really is about relaxing, laughing, and enjoying the view of female fanservice. Or pixelated boners. Definitely worth my time, and I think its at least worth a try for everyone.



Prison School
Prison School
Автор Hiramoto, Akira