Cross x Regalia review

Apr 08, 2021
This manga felt really off in terms of pacing, moving pretty slowly at points, but then suddenly rushing things way too fast towards the ending. The premise and plot were interesting, though I'm more interested where things go afterwards as the ending left Haserou in a pretty high and quite interesting position. To that end while not perfect, I would say the ending was reasonably satisfying. However, a major issue that came up for the ending and pretty much everything leading up to it was that it was tremendously confusing. It did not do a good job at explaining what so going on, and hence felt quite random. This was present for a lot of aspects, the combat mechanics, the various factions the major twist relating to the main characters relationship to them, and even the motivations behind some of the characters. Beyond that, the two main characters were interesting though, and while their relationship development was rushed and a bit cliché I still thought it was pretty nice. The art was okay, good style but a bit rough.  

A manga that has some solid concepts but has major issues with pacing, particularly in terms of the rushed ending. 



Cross x Regalia
Cross x Regalia
Автор Sanda, Makoto