Burn the Witch review

Apr 07, 2021
Just kill the dude who is talking about panties all the time and it's perfect.

Honestly, he was disgusting. We don't need, or want, another Mel*odas and etc. We don't need these less-than-trash men. We're tired of it, actually.

Why can't they(mangakas) understand it? Wake up. It wasn't funny. It never was. Can you please do a character who respect women? Men can be badass and/or funny AND respect woman.
Come on Tite, you has the skills, you don't need this shit.

Reading this was so nostalgic. Everything is sooo Tite Kubo and sooooo BLEACH.
It was a good balance between Bleach's world and the one which the manga introduces to us. You can see the similarities everywhere, but are also divergences, making the one-shot not just a copy of Bleach. Almost melt my heart.
Almost. Because the less-than-trash men killed the mood. And thats why my score isn't higher.

And the last page? Damn! Tite Kubo never fails in this. That's his mark. Nobody can't deny that. The man is good in this shit.


Burn the Witch
Burn the Witch
Автор Kubo, Tite