Priest review

Apr 04, 2021
Priest is what you would get if you took Helsing, set it in the wild west, and replaced the vampires with zombies. If this sounds interesting to you then you might want to check it out. If you're a normal human being, then you should stay far away from this Korean comic. The art is definitely one of Priest's better aspects. I liked the more simplified character designs, maybe because they look so different from the norm. There isn't much good I can say about the story. There's this guy with the classic evil grin that goes around the American frontier shooting up zombies. At the end of the third volume, the writer realizes that there should probably be some sort of structure to the story, so we find out that this is all just a flashback and the protagonist is given a goal to achieve. This was really sloppy on the writer's part but at least they tried to fix their mistake. Unfortunately, the only mistake here is that this was even published. Sure, somebody out there likes this, but somebody out there that likes moe too.


Автор Hyung, Min-Woo