Kimi ni shika Kikoenai review

Apr 02, 2021
I know my '7' overall rating does not compliment my positive review; its just as I read on, my guesses were always right which made me think that not alot of imagination went into the storyline. If the last chapter was different I would have given it an '8'.

The development of the characters was not rushed which made the manga seem longer than the one volume. It also does not concentrate too much on building a romantic feeling between Ryo and Nozaki (until the last chapter:); but concetrates more on character and storyline development. Due to this concetration of detail, we are able ton learn more about how the imagined phones work as well as the characters's past and drive to imagine a phone in their heads. Which I believe give the reader more reason to read on due to intrigue


Kimi ni shika Kikoenai
Kimi ni shika Kikoenai
Автор Tsuzuki, Setsuri