Yureka review

Apr 03, 2021
Greetings readers,

this is my very first review I simply had to write one for "Yureka" since for some reason there was none yet for this exceptional game manga, also bear in mind that english is not my native language so excuse eventual mistakes and flaws.

This is a spoiler-free review.

Before starting with the review i wanna mention that a lot of anime and manga fans are also gamers (like myself), so of course there have been works that implement the "game"-genre...more precisely the MMORPG aspect.

Anime like Sword Art Online, .hack // and Log Horizon (and most recently No Game No Life) have successfully demonstrated the potential that lies in this combination, but without fully exploiting it.
The Problem is that the "game" is often only used for the setting and to catch attention but has its significance decrease over the course of the plot.
Yureka tries a different approach and covers all the aspects people love about online games: leveling, classes, skills, dungeons/raids, ingame events, cheater/hacker/scripter as well as Player vs. Environment (PvE) and Player vs. Player (PvP) combat.
Attached to this is an interesting story, really great characters (likeable as well as despicable ones) and humor that can actually make you laugh out loud at certain points if you get into it.
The art is good and fits the manga adequately.

I generally enjoyed this manga a lot and hope that you guys give it a try, you won't regret it.


Автор Yun, Keong Kim