Bleach review

Apr 04, 2021
Well... A prime example of how looks can be deceiving. Bleach looked good, oh so very good. In the long run it is one of the few manga I have regrets about reading.

Bleach is another overrated Shounen manga. Sucked in by another promising plot Bleach follows a young man named Kurosaki Ichigo, a high school boy who can see spirits. One day a girl who claims shes a shinigami comes into his life and everything changes. This grabbed my attention for the first little while until the story started getting repetitive.

The author of this manga goes through the same process twice over and that has made up what the series is so far. I believe that the latest arc has been going on for roughly 3 years now.

Ichigo only knows one move and he takes no effort to learn new moves. but instead of fixing his weakness of having one move he powers up that one move so he will be unstoppable.

His training methods consist of losing a fight then training in the midst of battle (which isn't exactly the best way to do things)

On a lighter note Bleach does have some pretty interesting characters such as Chad: The burly friend of Ichigo who is kind and extremely powerful even without powers. Uryuu: Spirit bow wielding bad ass. As well as other interesting characters that I'm not at liberty to speak about at risk of spoilers.

Bleach would be a better manga if it changed things up a bit. The story has gotten dry and I find my self losing the thrill I once had reading it.

Overall rating:


Автор Kubo, Tite