Angel Densetsu 's review

Mar 27, 2021
Really, really enjoyed this one; finished it all in about two days.

Seiichiro Kitano has the heart of an angel but the face of a demon. So basically he's this really, really, really nice guy who is always thinking about other people but because of his appearance (I think they basically made him out to be an albino and people called him Devil-san, etc, etc), everyone is scared of him and think he's a crazy heroin addict.

This makes for some hilarious shenanigans, like when Kitano gets himself into crazy misunderstandings. There are too many to mention, but some of my favorites are when he chases people to give them back their stuff and they run away or when someone punches him he tries to think hard about why he might have made that person upset. Watching people react to Kitano's face never ever gets old!! I always felt bad for him but it was HILARIOUS each time. I know he's supposed to be this scary dude, but I found him adorable from almost the first chapter.

It's also so amusing and wonderful how all the characters around him gradually change their minds about him. Such great friendship in this story! It's really touching how all the side characters were enemies or antagonists in the beginning but were brought together in friendship after their encounter with Kitano. The art remains pretty bad throughout the whole series, but the writing is solid throughout. Very, very enjoyable.


Angel Densetsu
Angel Densetsu
Автор Yagi, Norihiro