Boku no Hero Academia review

Mar 27, 2021
I'd recommend you to try it out first and decide for yourselves since every persons opinion on this series differs. This is solely what I think makes this series good and worth reading/watching.

STORY: 7/10
I'm sure we've all seen hero schools used in some medium or the other before. The story starts out like every shonen does, to achieve the main character's dreams and motivations and this is no different. The execution and direction, however, can make or break a series like this and I do think MHA has taken the right path.
ART: 10/10
Horikoshi as an artist has been constantly improving and despite the initial art of the manga being good, he had some issues with consistent paneling and sometimes cramped up to much dialogue, but as weekly series' standards it was good.
These issues do not persist though, his paneling becomes very creative since the Overhaul arc and dialogue writing also improves. His action scenes, especially during the Villain Arc and War arc flow very smoothly and is easy to follow now.
One of the art's main forte would be in conveying emotions excellently.

Now there is a lot of misconceptions about characters in mha. First of all, Class 1 A is not the main cast. They are background characters so it is only understandable not much attention to be put to them. Similar to how all students in Assassination Classroom are not always having the same screen time.

Now for the mc, Deku -
He fits right into his stories themes and messages. He contributes to and is a product of the flawed society of mha. And yet he retains his own personality, goals, ideals, strengths, weakness.
He's a product of a very prevalent issue in mha i.e. Quirk discrimination. Getting bullied and tornamented because he was born inferior to others. Him Gaining OFA further shows how no one is born equal in their world.
Side characters -
The villains Shigaraki, Dabi, Toga, and twice are all brilliantly written. Stain who appeared earlier on had understandable motives highlighting the issues of the hero society again. The other villains would need some work for they are very forgettable.
Bakugou is one of the most unique rivals to come out in jump, and he has a very gradual development throughout the series. Todoroki is a result of the flaws of hero society but even he grows and matures and I must add for an edgy character like him, he adds alot to the comedy lol.
Pro heroes Endeavour, Hawks, Miriko all have a charismatic personality or in Endeavour's case, the way his growth as a human being is being handled is praise worthy.
I feel like Iida and Uraraka need more spotlight and development since they both stopped their contributions at the Joint Training Arc which is a shame because I think they have a lot of wasted potential.

For someone who didn't really enjoy this manga at it's initial stages, it has improved alot and I have begun to enjoy it more and more as time passes. The current arc- Paranormal Liberation War Arc is very exciting moving the story forward and it piques my interest for the future of this series.


Boku no Hero Academia
Boku no Hero Academia
Автор Horikoshi, Kouhei