Dr. Stone 's review

Mar 26, 2021
Dr. Stone is a very unique manga. Not just because of it's unique premise and setting, but also because of the unique storytelling technique.

Story: 9/10
At first glance, the story may look simple (ie, good vs bad, standard shonen) but go into a little bit of depth and you realize that the overarching plot isn't what makes Dr. Stone enjoyable. After the first arc, which is a good introductory arc, the story shifts narrative. Each of the later arcs have a definite end goal (except a few). And, to achieve each outlandish and seemingly impossible end goal, the characters work, fight, and slowly but surely, mature. So, I think that Dr. Stone should be viewed and enjoyed as a semi-episodic manga, where the different methods they use, paths they take and the fun they have while achieving the goal is the main focus, not the advancement towards the overarching story. or the 'deep philosophy'. And, there's also lots of foreshadowing, which is always good.

Art: 10/10
Boichi.... do I need to say anything else. Well, this is a review, so of course I do. Boichi is definitely a master artist. Sure, a weekly manga has taken its toll, and the art is not as good as what you see in, say, Sun-ken Rock. But still, it is very well done. Also, Boichi pulls of the humorous faces perfectly. But I am not really an art connoisseur, so I shouldn't say much.

Character: 7/10
This is where Dr. Stone takes a hit. The episodic narrative of Dr. Stone doesn't allow for a lot of character development. However, I still think Dr. Stone handles most of its characters in a good way. Each character is unique and provides an interesting contribution to the story. My favourite characters are Ryusui and Chrome. The first is a 'charismatic and leader-like' stereotype, and the second is, surprisingly, a 'standard shonen protagonist' stereotype: humble beginnings but a ton of character development. In that sense, I like to think of Senkuu as the 'aged master' of Chrome, and I have a feeling that Chrome is set to surpass Senkuu in the future.

Now, let's talk of a character that I don't like: Tsukasa. Tsukasa is a character that doesn't fit into the narrative of Dr. Stone. He sets a philosophical background of the story, and hence serves as a villain on a moral basis. Howewer, not only is he a bad villain (his philosophy is pretty crazy, and I doubt anyone agrees with it), but also he is an inappropriate one to the story. This is because to defeat such a morally ambiguous villain, you need the infamous 'Talk-no-Jutsu', and this really doesn't fit well with manga that are like Dr. Stone. The villain in the second major arc is much better: he is simple, and yet is mysterious and scary.

Enjoyment: 9/10
Like I said, the story is extremely enjoyable once you look past Tsukasa's bs and focus on the episodic narrative.

Overall: 9/10


Dr. Stone
Dr. Stone
Автор Inagaki, Riichiro