Dr. Stone 's review

Mar 26, 2021
(Please note that I intend to update this review as this series continues.)

Dr. Stone is the new series from veteran manga writer Riichiro Inagaki, known best for being the writer for Eyeshield 21. This new story is a big departure from the sports story of his old work; an action-adventure tale set in a dark future where most of humanity has been petrified into a stone state. In this new world a few people make it out of their stone restrictions and attempt to rebuild the world.

In a world devoid of many people, Inagaki manages to keep things interesting with the few characters at his disposal. Fast-paced and action-packed, this series keeps the plot moving forward at a surprisingly quick speed. Inagaki doesn't seem one for subtlety of plot, which is perfectly fine for the story he is attempting to write. For its length, Dr. Stone has been able to present a fun, entertaining story, unhindered by the barren landscape the characters are set in.

The characters are not particularly note-worthy. They are what you would expect from the average shounen, a dim-witted yet kind main character, a shrewd yet compassionate genius, and the obligatory cute female lead. Despite making use of overdone characters, the story is able to retain a glaze of freshness with its interesting use of setting, and unexpected villains. Though not anything worth writing home about, the series offers a fun sense of escapism that most look for in shounen manga.

The art, drawing by Boichi, is good for what it is. Clean line-art and vivid colouring. The expansive settings and backgrounds are well drawn, and the panels are well paced and positioned, giving us a sense of movement and action. Though at times the perspective seems slightly off, it is not really anything I'd complain about.

Time will tell what this series goes on to perform, but at the moment it seems worth keeping an eye on. If you're looking for a new manga that is fun and easy to read then give Dr. Stone a shot.


Dr. Stone
Dr. Stone
Автор Inagaki, Riichiro