Shokugeki no Souma review

Apr 02, 2021
This was the most enjoyably retarded shit I have ever read. None of it makes a single goddamn sense or is an even slightly related to reality yet it is still pretty damn fun. I wasn't sure how it is that they have managed to make cooking a source of intense competition in which a person could feel physically exhausted after cooking three meals. Or the simulation of being physically beaten but they have managed to do it, and somehow quite convincingly.

I have given this a 6 because the suspension of disbelief you have to work with is beyond, I am sure you will manage if you have seen stupider shit but for me, it was just too much. It was just too retarded and cringe-worthy for me when they started to compare the guy to be a knight of tasting or some shit, then the girl to Joan of Arc because she was helping them cook better. (They literally fucking draw them both in armor.) You could accept their clothes being ripped off for comedic effect but to make it so that as if the whole scenario has weight, like an arc about the Third Reich of Food, making it so that student can only cook food on recipes instead of making their own, completely ignoring the whims of capitalism or common sense, then the villain forces his taste on his daughter or some shit because he finds his senior being tortured because he was cooking pleb food or something.

Either way, it's still fairly entertaining and the protagonist is fun to read because he has a unique calm and calculative shonen protagonist aura. Dare say he is cool, but it is still about cooking. Every time they compare that sushi making kid to a Samurai or when he fucking say it himself(he calls himself a warrior, I am not fucking with you),
I could feel the wave of cringe spreading through my skin.

If you could look past all of that as part of its comedy(which it isn't they want you to it seriously lol), you will definitely enjoy this. I might have given this a six for, 1 for its story but this is just my personal taste if you like what you have read so far, definitely take some time to see if this is worth your time.


Shokugeki no Souma
Shokugeki no Souma
Автор Saeki, Shun