Sun-Ken Rock review

Apr 02, 2021
If you want to avoid that extensive reflection and want a direct assessment, go directly to the end.

Beforehand, I apologize if I had any writting mistakes since I'm not an english native speaker. More than a review this is en extensive thought about the review community and for those that calify that manga as bad.

I have a very big problem about the most of the "bad"reviews that i've read of this manga. Said problem is that I've realized that most people who try to make critic reviews fall in the desesperate research of profundity and depth.
First of all you must try to understand what the work try to show and tell. Obviously if you search a meaningful manga this isn't the one you are looking for. The ideas that try to share aren't that profund and revealing, some reflexions are good but that's not the whole point of the manga, and saying that is bad for this reason is absurd.
The manga don't search to offer a deep history. The characters, despise the fact that are archetypes and don't have big revelations that makes them evolve like human beings, still are solid and well-written following their archetypes.
And what I said could be considered badly, but you have to understand that the manga don't want to have a meaningful story or profund characters and don't even try it. The purpose of the manga is enjoyment, and seeing a strong badass character being more badas makes this manga totally enjoyable and even funny in the comic sections.
And criticising that is sexist and is consumed by fanservirce is, for the first part worng, and for the second part right. Is not sexist because the fanservice that contains the manga. The fanservice affects both genres, it has fanservice for people interested in females and people interested in males. And some of the girls that appear are strong and also badass like the other male protagonists.
The manga in itself works perfectly, in fact, considering the overall manga is very good for the fact that the confluence of all the aspects in wich is composed work together to the same purpose. The art is fucking amazing and works perfectly with the most badass character that I've seen in a lot of time creating pages that are outstanding. The story is interesting for the merely fact that you want to see the protagonist beat the hell out of his enemies and it has the tools that lead to that way.
I won't make a full review of all aspects because I don't want to, of course is not perfect and like every other artistic works has problems and bad things. But i just want to make a reflexion about what way the criticism is taking lately. It seems that people see a manga or anime with a good puntuation and they have the necessity of being against the majority and try to criticise for their own ego, and that results in bad reviews that don't speak the true of the product. People that say a show is bad because isn't profund and don't talk about serious and adult, maybe philosofical themes, are the ones that when a show SEEMS to show that themes or concepts, praise that show despise the fact that maybe is written with the ass. But at least you can say that this show in question is deep and adult.

Finally I will make a trustworthy review of this manga:
- If you search an intelectual/depp/profund/adult/serious and similar manga, don't even try to read it.
- If you search a manga that isn't defined by any of what is said before BUT that is totally enjoyable and memorable, don't hesiate


Sun-Ken Rock
Sun-Ken Rock
Автор Boichi