Koe no Katachi review

Apr 15, 2021
Well I don't write many reviews let alone manga reviews. I will admit my anime viewing list may be long by my manga one I can count on my hand haha. My friend suggested this to me due to my slice of life background.

I picked it up and in a whole day went through an emotional journey filled with wonderfully laid of characters and a relationship which started as something awful, blossoming into something beautiful.

Koe no Katachi (A Silent Voice) is about a boy Ishida being bored with school and hating upon a transfer student Nishimiya. The twist is however she is deaf and he exploits that weakness to the harshest of extremes. She transfers out and the bullying then shifts over to him. He breaks down and isolates himself and years later decides to make amends.

I won't go into any of story details but the journey is sublime and well worth the read. The most impressive aspect of the journey were taken on is the characters themselves. Each person we saw was distinct and didn't feel tacked on. When emotions were high they were believable and that only made things harder for me to continue on.

By the end I felt angry, confused, upset, happy and amazed. I recommend this to anyone who loves slice of life or romance for that matter. It can be a tough read emotionally at points but it is so worth it.


Koe no Katachi
Koe no Katachi
Автор Ooima, Yoshitoki