Da Capo review

Apr 07, 2021
Ah, Da Capo...I put off watching the anime for the longest time, and after reading the manga in about an hour, I can safely say I probably don't need to watch it now.

Story - 6

Junichi Asakura is a pretty normal Japanese teenager in a typical harem world. He will encounter various girls, and eventually have to make a decision on one of them, whether the read likes the outcome of said decision or not. The day-to-day antics can be amusing; the personalities of some of the girls gel together well. Other than that, there's nothing special at all here, so don't expect anything out of the ordinary for a harem series.

Art - 8

I did enjoy the artwork quite a bit. All the female designs are quite KAWAII I would say. It kept me going through some of the dull parts.

Character - 7

Da Capo features a mixed bag of characters: the typical set of five or so females to choose from, with an encouraging male friend who is usually hit or miss in every harem series (Hell yeah Sunohara...?). Kotori easily stands out as the series' best character, and you'll be glad to know she has quite a few pages dedicated to her in the second half of the series. As far as archetypes go, it's fairly typical...sister who isn't blood-related, osana najimi, etc.

Enjoyment - 7

I read this on a whim while browsing through short completed manga, and didn't expect much at all. The end result was a mildly enjoyable, although typical, harem series. I would recommend this for people with an hour or two to kill and an itch for a harem series.


Da Capo
Da Capo
Автор Tanihara, Natsuki