Destroy and Revolution review

Apr 07, 2021
Ah yes, Destroy and Revolution, a story that gone horribly, horribly wrong.
For those of you who are not familiar with Mori Kouji works, he is the creator of two fantastic works-Holyland, the coming of age story of Kamishiro Yuu and Suicide Island about teens that try to survive on an abandoned island. Naturally, as a fan of his works I was excited to read Destroy and Revolution (will now be refereed as D&R). He already proved himself, twice! so what exactly went horribly wrong in this particular story?

Let's about the premise of the plot-we have our main character, Makoto, a timid shy guy who has some sort of telepathic power named "Oneness". He becomes friend with popular guy at his school, Yuuki, which discover about this power and reveal to him that he wants to become a terrorist and change society by force. So far, all is good and well. Sure, the political talk of Yuuki is very juvenile in nature, very naive. And there is a slight feeling that the story will go to someplace positive or at least make the characters develop and see a wider perspective. Instead, it goes in the direction of some sort cheap, action movie. Aside from the explosions the boys causes with this superpower, we discover that the author made every human being (except Yuuki of course) stupid. Yuuki spouts some generic lines such as "society is bad, we need to change it" or "how can some humans live good while other suffer?" and people worldwide shocked as it is some huge discovery. It also made a clear point that Yuuki himself doesn't know the answer to the world problems, but he rely that after he blows building and terrorize the country people will find solutions. This is incredibly stupid because from the beginning he is basically saying that he doesn't have an actual plan but we suppose to support him.
Moving on America getting into the picture and they are presented in a ridiculous, stereotyped way. Their first solution is to kill the terrorists, and if it doesn't works out, they can just drop another atomic bomb on Japan. Yeah, this is super realistic.
Another thing that really bothers me with the story was the fact that no one actually tried to give a proper argument to Yuuki, they all treated him as some sort of all knowing wise elder. Which brings me to the characters.

Let's talk about Makoto, he is our main character. He is timid, powerful and 90% of the time stutters or can't refute even the most basic argument. Sometimes he suddenly gets angry and strong, like some sort of Hulk, but it doesn't fooling anyone. The main thing about the story is that Yuuki (and Makoto too) want to destroy and change society because how unfair and how much they hate it. But after meeting ONE nice girl in his class Makoto worldview changed. Five Minutes after meeting this girl he get seconds thoughts about that hey, maybe society isn't so evil!
He is also, of course, against killing people although in the beginning Yuuki tells him that yes, eventually he would probably kill people, later on-Makoto is surprised that Yuuki actually killing people! what a shock!
Makoto isn't important anyway, he is just the brawn. Let's talk about Yuuki shall we? Yuuki is perfect in any way. He is, basically, Jesus. Maybe it's just me, but I had the feeling that the author really really wanted us to root for him. I mean, how else can you explain the fact that he talks about very basic politics and it makes everyone think that he has a powerful charisma? In real life, he would have been a laughing stock. Imagine a 13 years old kid suddenly realize that the world isn't really fair and tells about it to adults, and the adults are shocked and can only say stuff like "yeah but this is the world we created so it's probably good!", this is how everyone reacts to Yuuki. As the story goes on he gets more and more power hungry and sees himself as a god but all the while he remains cool and calculated because the author doesn't want to hurt his image. He constantly does stupid stuff (because destroying US military bases somehow will save the world) but always PRESENTED as a calculated master mind.
We have some more characters, all of them are very boring. I use the word "boring" because most of them are one dimensional, show up for a very little amount of time or even downright stupid. We have the love interest of Makoto which, as all the females in this manga, is completely useless and only can cry and give motivational speeches to Makoto. We also have the task force against Yuuki, and their supervisors-the Americans, all presented as stupid hot headed trigger happy people of course.

The art. What can be said about it? the art in Mori's works is always very basic. It's good, but not something to brag about it. Still, things are details enough and pleasant to the eye. The backgrounds themselves are not really impressive, some explosions are drawn very good, some are disappointing. As always, the character design is really bad. He has only like, 2-3 models for all the characters, so a lot of them looks pretty much the same but with a different haircut (at least we can different between them), the females looks the same, very weak point.

So, was it an enjoyable read? no, not really. As the plot went on it felt more and more like a cheap action film, when I finished the manga I was positive that "directed by:Micheal Bay" would appear, but nope. It was real. The ending was kinda amusing (although again, very stupid). I think the story would have more potential if it wasn't so focused on this very basics politics and ideals. As I say-don't go political at all, it's boring, it's usually stupid and it's relies heavily on if you agree with the character or don't. Which is why I believe a lot of people did like (and still, would like) the manga. I've seen plenty of comments about people that agree with Yuuki and actually cheer him on. So I guess in some way the author succeeded in his job. If you still find the plot interesting enough you have my blessing to read it, thanks for suffering through my rant, and good day.


Destroy and Revolution
Destroy and Revolution
Автор Mori, Kouji