Dead Tube review

Apr 06, 2021
When was the last time you spend watching videos some people died in accidents brutally screwed up a bit..

Well If that's the cases we have here called a not so normal website when people tried to post some gruesome lowlife stock even talk about sex or death.. all over in the internet

I mean seriously? What could be possibly wrong with that? Said that to a freaking sadist like me...

The story isn't really that ordinary... If I remember correctly There's no way out, after you participate in some random stunt game.. You should Come up with some ideas in order to kill someone then post it and now became viral after that some people reward you a price that's all.. But there's a punishment where the participants got killed when the video isn't interesting...Getting teaming up with a Psycho Sadist Bitch isn't really a bad idea..The only problem that comes from my mind is how can you trust her..
doing this onto her on self and keeping a secret to him. It's more like a hobby to her and now the guy has a weird fetish video taping numerous student die in your school. even your other member show their true colors..
"Being Nude don't make you attractive, As long as you spice them up a bit It's getting pretty much interesting," See What i thought, you're being left out and now you're becoming one of them.. Even the fanservice is becoming a borderline in every series... Due to my aspect it's a worth read.. I know some people found it "Most Fucked up Scene".. IMO Why don't you check it right now... and how good it was, Unless you're here for the PLOT but not the story..

Overall 9-1 = 8/10


Dead Tube
Dead Tube
Автор Kitakawa, Touta