Fire Punch review

Apr 03, 2021
I started reading Fire Punch after binge-reading Chainsaw Man, and deciding, "I wanna read more manga like this!". Well if you wanna read a manga like chainsaw man don't come here go read some light-hearted stuff cuz this ain't it. Fire punch turned me off by the second chapter because of how brutally disturbing the story is. In the span of the first two chapters (spoilers ahead) The main character gets his arm chopped off at least 10 times (because he has the power to regenerate), his sister wants to have an incestual relationship with her brother, a man pees in a cup and tries to force a little kid to drink it, and a dude sues a little girls arms as firewood (which was only because she had regenerative powers and the main character graphically breaks his own arm trying to stop the guy from doing it. It was the most disturbing manga I've ever read. Now I'm sure the story is cool, and heck the concept was pretty cool, and the dude that set the village on fire was dope but it was disturbing. I give the manga a 1/10 because if you give a show a 1 out of 10 on my anime list it lists it as appalling, and the manga really was appalling it was disgusting in every way. If you like appalling stuff then read this manga, I'm sure it will make you think about how messed up you are for reading it. If you want something good by the author just read Chainsaw Man instead, its 1000x better


Fire Punch
Fire Punch
Автор Fujimoto, Tatsuki