Fukushuu Kyoushitsu review

Apr 07, 2021
Fukushuu Kyoushitsu, or Revenge Classroom, is about a middle school girl who is inexplicably bullied by her classmates. One day, after being pushed out into the middle of the road and nearly being killed by a car, she decides that she's had enough of the bullying, and goes from being the victim to the hunter.

(Spoilers ahead. Ye be warned.)

Story: Revenge Classroom is...well, it's torture porn. Lots of blood, gore, all that. The plot is fairly predictable as she goes from one classmate to another in her checklist, even going so far as to recruit a couple of them to help her. And by recruit, I mean manipulate one, and blackmail the other.

The ways she destroys her various classmates are...interesting, I suppose, some more than others. Sometimes she acts through other people, and sometimes she does the deed herself.

Art: The art really varies in quality. When looking straight on at a character, it can be quite beautiful, but when viewed in profile, or anything other than straight on, faces tend to distort to ridiculous proportions, from pointed chins that should reach down to a character's collarbone, to misaligned features. And for some strange reason, there's often a line drawn horizontally across any given character's face, beneath their eyes. I have absolutely no idea what that's supposed to be or why it's there.

On the plus side, as characters start to devolve into madness, they develop slitted pupils, which gives them a distinctly sinister appearance. (Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni did this better, I'm afraid, but good try.)

Character: Oh, boy. The characters are pretty much cardboard cutouts there to die/go insane/be tortured in various ways. Many of them are evil just for the sake of being evil, and the few who actually managed to wring a drop or two of sympathy from me were on screen for so little time that they didn't make an impression at all. Even now, I couldn't tell you a single character's name. They're that forgettable.

Enjoyment: Two words: Trainwreck Syndrome. As the chapters progressed, I got more and more frustrated.

Why does it take nearly half the classroom to be absent before any adult starts thinking maybe something isn't quite right?

Why was there no investigation launched immediately after people started to go missing?

Why did no one think that the girl who was terribly bullied [i]might[/i] just have something to do with all of this?

Why do the police not put the remaining classmates in protective custody when it's clear they're being targeted?

Any sympathy I might have had for the main character rapidly evaporated. She goes from a bullied girl to an outright psychopath, becoming far worse than the bullies she wanted revenge on. Even when people start dying, she shows perhaps a moment or two of remorse, but then shrugs it off and goes right back to her hitlist, even targeting people who had absolutely nothing to do with her bullying.

I don't know if she was meant to be a likable protagonist, or if the author just decided to make everyone in this universe batshit insane, but he definitely missed the mark on the former.

Overall: This is one massive dumpster fire of a manga. It's poorly executed, and makes you want to tear your hair out in frustration at times, but it's such a big trainwreck that when you come to the end of a chapter, you [i]have[/i] to see how things could possibly get worse in the next one.


Fukushuu Kyoushitsu
Fukushuu Kyoushitsu
Автор Yamazaki, Karasu