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Отзывы о книге
Douluo Dalu
Douluo Dalu
Douluo Dalu
Douro mainland
Douluo Dalu
Mar 07, 2021
Douro mainland
"Douro mainland" soul, soul bone, soul ring, soul force level setting is undoubtedly a breakthrough and subversion.The Tang door secret weapon cleverly combined with the western fantasy, in the early period also did well.Dou Luo also did not fall after the small white set mode (a waste wood diaosi silk suddenly counterattack), although gave a "waste soul", but the soul of twin soul and innate full soul force, make it clear is to speak of a "genius" growth path, very rare.Douro also no ring out of a medicine or pick up a girl is Haotian this "adventure", Tang three is by the master of the "ordinary people" guidance advanced (as Haotian Douro's father did not come to buff), but it is not easy.The college chapter is really the highlight of this book, seven strange each person's character, growth experience are introduced in detail, can stand a group of people's character image of network novels can be said to be rare.The competition is also very good, the seven monsters rely on wisdom and progress to defeat the enemy through beheadings, instead of Tomato and Chen Dong's favorite "sudden breakthrough", yes, I am talking about the snake Lake Ji Ning, Dongbo Xueying, Ye Fan, the emperor of the world.The conclusion of the contest is one of the high points of the book, and it is beautifully arranged.Finally is also relying on wisdom and Tang door technique rather than the illusory "breakthrough" to defeat the enemy.After the five years of separation, the experience of the killing capital, and the reunion of the seven monsters but the sacrifice of dance.There are good plot problems in this episode, and the Killing City's imagination is novel.Dance's sacrifice is another climax of the book, and the conflict is well arranged.Foreshadowing has also been used to show the three less control of the plot of the Tang.If the following canto can maintain this level, Douro can be regarded as a divine work.😊
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